Un mois déjà !! - Already one month !!
Me voici de retour après plusieurs semaines de vacances
I'm back after a few weeks of vacations
fertiles en émotions:
high on emotions :
revoir mon amie américaine Jo et son mari Dan
spending time with my american friend Jo and her husband Dan again
fêter les 90 ans de ma tante (mes parents sont à côté)
celebrating the 90th birthday of my aunt (my parents are right nearby)
riches en gastronomie !!
rich in gastronomy !!
rich in gastronomy !!
et actives en travaux dans la maison…
and with a lot of works in the house…
and with a lot of works in the house…
donc peu de couture !
so not much sewing !
so not much sewing !
J'ai juste fait la bordure en petits carrés de mon "Nature's Journey"
I have only put the little squares border on my "Nature's Journey"
I have only put the little squares border on my "Nature's Journey"
J'ai enfin fini la broderie pour le sac Anni Downs
I have finally finished the stitchery for my Anni Downs bag
I have finally finished the stitchery for my Anni Downs bag
va falloir songer au montage maintenant !
I'll have to think of making the bag now !
I'll have to think of making the bag now !
Et puis j'ai un peu sorti mon Ouvrage Oublié le week-end dernier …
And I have taken out my Forgotten Work last week… a little….
And I have taken out my Forgotten Work last week… a little….
Juste de quoi installer le portail mais pour transformer les herbes folles en jolies plate-bandes, il faudra attendre le mois prochain !
Just to put the front gate but to change the wild grasses in pretty flower beds I will have to wait next month !
Just to put the front gate but to change the wild grasses in pretty flower beds I will have to wait next month !
et pour finir, le Sampler du Mardi de Quiltmania :
and in the end, the Quiltmania Tuesday Sampler :
and in the end, the Quiltmania Tuesday Sampler :
le bloc 17 était fait depuis longtemps
block 17 was finished some times ago
et je viens de finir le bloc 18
and I have just made block 18
and I have just made block 18
Ce sera tout pour ce soir !!
No more to say tonight !!
Bisous ma Flo.
bravo pour tes avancées patchs