Encore un cadeau ! - One more gift !

Laurence a pris mon commentaire a la lettre... et m'a gentiment offert de me crocheter ce magnifique collier !!
Laurence took my comment seriously... and offered to make a crocheted necklace for me !!

C'est trop chou !! J'adore !!!!
It's so lovely !! I love it !!!!

Merci beaucoup Laurence !
Thank you very much Laurence !

N'hésitez pas à aller visiter son blog... vous y trouverez des merveilles tirées, entre autre, de son imagination créative !
Don't hesitate and visit her blog... you will find wonderful works coming, mostly, from her own creative  mind !
Je remercie toutes celles qui m'ont laissé un commentaire pour mon dernier post !!
(pas eu le temps d'ouvrir souvent l'ordi cette semaine !)

I want to thank everybody who let me a comment on my last post !!
(busy week with no time to open my laptop !)


Anonyme a dit…
wow this necklace is beautiful Flos,lucky you.xx
Wendy a dit…
Beautiful! It can be hard getting blog time some weeks!
Laurence♥ a dit…
Merci pour ce gentil post ♥
Lisa a dit…
Lovely colour! Im Lisa from New Zealand and found your blog through Charlie and Wendy's blog. Im so glad to have found a french blog.!!

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